

The Heart , Determination And Toughness Of Duke Junior Grayson Allen

A season ago Grayson Allen was seen as a player no opponent wanted to face because of the way he chose to play the game he is passionate about and the game he loves. In 2016-17 Grayson Allen wants it to be different "according to an article by   Mike Decourcy " but this year Grayson Allen wants it to be different he wants fans to like him.

Opposing fans and teams  may have disliked the way he played a year ago but isn't Grayson Allen a player you would want on your team because of his toughness , determination and passion for the game? What if he was the player to to take the last shot to win the game ?  What if he was the player to   give your team energy when your team didn't have any?  Remember in the 2015 title game against Wisconsin when Duke was  down nine and it looked like Wisconsin was going to take control of the game? Who was the guy who provided the spark of momentum for his team?  Grayson Allen! 

Opposing fans may not like Grayson Allen they may even despise him and the way he plays but I have news for you Grayson Allen  is back for his junior year and he is going to play with the  fire and passion I know Grayson Allen has  while helping a Duke team that has lots of talent and is ranked preseason number one win games .