

The NCAA Is Thinking Of Changing The Transfer Rule

Today in our game when a player transfers they have to sit out a year could that be changing soon? How soon? 

Would it be good for the game? Would it help teams build chemistry quicker on the court if players who were transfers were able to play right away? 

 Well, this could be a really big deal: the NCAA is considering radically changing transfer rules and allowing players to transfer without sitting out a year. "according to

It would be contingent on a solid GPA and a second transfer would mean sitting out a year. "according to

It’s not a done deal yet. There’s an alternative proposal which would have everyone sit out a year, presumably even grad transfers. According to this article though. "according to

Well, this could be a really big deal: the NCAA is considering radically changing transfer rules and allowing players to transfer without sitting out a year. "according to

It would be contingent on a solid GPA and a second transfer would mean sitting out a year. "according to

It’s not a done deal yet. There’s an alternative proposal which would have everyone sit out a year, presumably even grad transfers. According to this article though, the momentum seems to be eliminating the transfer year. "according to

There are a couple of questions we have. First, would anyone be able to restrict transfers? Could Pitt attempt to block, say, Cameron Johnson’s move to UNC this summer? And second, what about Christmas transfers? Could you leave one school in December and play for another in January? That’d be interesting. "according to

There are a lot of questions to answer and some interesting possible scenarios so it’ll be interesting to see how this works out. "according to

There are a couple of questions we have. First, would anyone be able to restrict transfers? Could Pitt attempt to block, say, Cameron Johnson’s move to UNC this summer? And second, what about Christmas transfers? Could you leave one school in December and play for another in January? That’d be interesting. "according to

There are a lot of questions to answer and some interesting possible scenarios so it’ll be interesting to see how this works out. "according to