

Brandon Huffman Is Transferring From North Carolina

It has been a busy week on tobacco road for players announcing that they’re transferring.

Earlier this week Alex O’Connell who played for Mike Krzyzewski at Duke announced he was transferring to Creighton after three seasons in Durham.

Eight miles down the road the same thing is happening in Chapel Hill.

Brandon Huffman who is big man reserve and a junior is transferring from North Carolina.


 he was "looking for an opportunity to expand as a player," but called it a "rough decision to make" after three years at UNC. “according to an article by the Associated Press

Huffman played in 14 games last season and has averaged 1.4 points and 3.1 minutes over three seasons. according to an article by the Associated Press


Roy Williams stated Huffman a "fantastic young man" and that he would do anything he can to help him choose the right fit at his next school. according to an article by the Associated Press