

Duke Is Going To Be Searching For A New Director Of Athletics Because Kevin White Is Retiring In August Of 2021

Who is going to be Duke’s new Director Of Athletics?

Right now I don’t know the answer to that question!

What I do know is that Duke is going be searching for one!


Because Kevin White who currently is Duke’s Vice President and Director Of Athletics is retiring from the position he has held since 2008!


In August of 2021!

Kevin White had this to say about stepping down from his Director Of Athletics position!

This unequivocally represents the most difficult professional decision that I have ever made," said White. "As I look forward to completing my 47th year in higher education, including teaching, coaching, and administration, it is simply the right time to step aside and provide a distinct opportunity for both new and different voices, and a more contemporary vision."

Duke Men’s Basketball Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski had this to say about Kevin White.

"I have absolutely loved working with Kevin the past 13 years. He's made Duke Basketball and me better. He's made Duke Athletics and Duke University better. He's made all of intercollegiate athletics better for 47 years. No one in college athletics has mentored as many people as Kevin White. Simply put, he is the very best in the business. While I will miss working day-to-day with Kevin immensely, my family and I are so thankful for the amazing friendship and strong partnership we've enjoyed with both Kevin and Jane." “according to an article on