

As Duke Head Coach Jon Scheyer Is 1-0 When Coaching Against North Carolina Because Duke Topped North Carolina 63-57 In Inaugural Meeting Of 2022-2023 Regular Season Saturday In Durham

As Duke Head Coach Jon Scheyer is 1-0 against North Carolina as Duke Head Coach because Duke topped North Carolina 63-57 in inaugural meeting of 2022-2023 regular season Saturday in Durham.


On the hardwood!

As Duke topped North Carolina 63-57 in inaugural meeting of 2022-2023 regular season Saturday in Durham Mark Mitchell was 2-5 on field goals to go along with 8 rebounds, 1 assists , 6 points. Kyle Filipowski was 4-14 on field goals , 1-3 on 3 pointers to go along with 7 rebounds, 2 blocks 14 points . Dereck Lively was 2-3 on field goals , 0-1 on 3 pointers to go along with 14 rebounds , 2 assists, 8 blocks , 4 points. Tyrese Proctor was 5-13 on field goals , 1-2 on 3 pointers to go along 7 rebounds, 5 assists , 2 steals, 1 block , 11 points . Jeremy Roach was 8-20 on field goals , 1-2 on 3 pointers to go along 7 rebounds, 1 steal , 20 points. Ryan Young was 1-1 on field goals to go along with 2 rebounds , 2 points. Though, Jaylen Blakes played 2 minutes Jaylen Blakes was 0-0 on field goals , 0-0 on 3 pointers to go along with 1 assists , 0 points. Jacob Grandison was 2-5 on field goals , 1-3 on 3 pointers , 1 assists., 1 points.

“According to espnapp”

Following Duke’s 63-57 win in inaugural meeting 2022-2023 regular season Saturday in Durham Jon Scheyer who is coaching his inaugural season as Duke Head Coach had this to say for his opening statement. On the huge impact Dereck Lively had on game even without a prominent scoring performance. On the affect a win like this can have on the confidence of a young team. On players making winning plays down the stretch , even after playing extensive minutes “Just, I think, the will to win. They just had a big time will to win. Even talking to them before the game, they just had a look. We’ve gotten tougher from the experiences we’ve gone through. I think we’ve gotten closer when you go through some stuff. Whether you lose a tough one, whether you don’t play as well. We’ve just blocked it all out and kept pushing. We have to do the same thing now in a different way, because this is obviously a great win for us but we play Miami in 48 hours. I justcredit the will that our guys have. Itcomesfrom within. Credit to them justcontinuing to work, continuing to believe, and understanding what it takes to win.” On the physicality of the game! It was a physical game, on both ends. That was a huge thing for us, going into this game. They get to the foul line more than anybody. For us, just making them earn it. You know, [Caleb]Love hitsome tough shots; make him earn it. Don’t just give them free throws. They’re automaticfree throw shooters. [Armando] Bacot puts a lot of pressure on you at the free throw line. I credit Dereck with him. I thought we were fortunate they also missed some open looks. It’s a one possession game. I was proud of our guys for not being handsy. Playing without using their hands, and also being physical without fouling. That’s something, as a young team, we’ve had to learn. We’ve gotten pushed around at time throughout the year, but, for us, we’ve learned how to do that much better.

Though, Head Coach Jon Scheyer wasn’t the only Head Coach to share his thoughts following Duke’s 63-57 win over North Carolina as North Carolina Head Coach Hubert Davis did as well on shooting 27 three pointers . On how Dereck Lively changed the game. On what Coach will tell team ahead of Tuesday’s match up with Wake Forest. On team morale compared to last season.

don't think just because we shot 27 makes it we turned into a three-point shooting team. The stat that I'm looking at, is that going into the game we had shot 150 more free throws than any other opponent in our conference. We shot three; zero in the second half. That is what I'm looking at.”He [Dereck Lively] is a fantastic player; Duke is a fantastic defensive team. They pressure you. They do a great job with their quickness moving their feet. Dereck is one of the best, if not the best even if he doesn't block it, his length and his athleticism can alter it. We went to the free throw line three times, and we shoot 150 more than any team in the conference. “There is no other option. Yes. I don't know what else to tell the team. We got to play awake on Tuesday. Crap. This is basketball; this is life. Let's go back to work tomorrow. Let's get back to work. Let's work hard. Let's do it with energy, effort, passion, enthusiasm. Let's go show up on Monday. Let's work hard: energy, effort, passion, enthusiasm, togetherness, closeness, hunger and thirst. Let's play on Tuesday against a great, unbelievable Wake Forest team.”That is difficult. I think I know where you're coming from. It's just a difficult question for me to answer, and this is the reason: I don't think about last year at all. I just don't. For me, it just has been no benefit. I don't think it has any benefit for us moving forward. I think I've said this to you guys before. The number one thing that I learned as a second-year head coach is that every year is different. I think our guys love playing with each other. I think our guys love doing this together. One of the things that I always tell them is to find joy and how hard it is to be successful, whether it's individually or as a team. I think our guys really enjoy playing together. That's why they came back.

Following Duke’s 63-57 win in inaugural meeting of 2022-2023 regular season with North Carolina Saturday junior guard Jeremy Roach, freshman center Dereck Lively II , freshman guard Tyrese Proctor shared their thoughts.

Jeremy Roach shared his thoughts about Dereck Lively II on the play he scored on a drive to put Duke up four points with 23 seconds left in the game. When asked if this win was particularly losing to North Carolina at home then in Final Four.

“He’s been working his tail off since he got here. Obviously, he’s had some ups and downs at the beginning of the season, but he’s come in every day, worked, lifting. It’s showing off now and I’m just so happy for him.”“It was a ball screen between me and Flip [Kyle Filipowski]. I told him to slip it. We knew [North Carolina] would kind of mess up on their talking, which they did, and I think two guys went to Flip, and I kind of got an easy lane when [Armando] Bacot was looking for the lob. I got an easy lane, and we executed it perfectly“Definitely, it was a little bit personal for me, with what happened last year obviously. I just wanted to come out here and do everything I can to get this win. It kind of eases [the pain of last year] a little bit. Obviously, we’ve still got more work to do. We play them again, so we can’t just think about what we did last time. We’ve got to go out there and do it again.” “This is a rivalry. We take it a game at a time, but, obviously, this game definitely has a little more juice to it. I’m just happy that these guys got the chance to experience this rivalry, experience this atmosphere, and I’m glad that we came out with the win.”

Dereck Lively II had this to say for his opening statement It was a great atmosphere to be in. You know both teams are going to give it their all, and it’s just a great competition to be in. I’m just glad to be here. I’m glad to compete with my brothers. When asked about his ability to make huge contributions tonight without score many points.

“That’s just something I’ve always been able to do. I haven’t been able to be as offensive-driven as every other player here, but I’ve got my own way to give to this team. I get my rebounds, I get my blocks, [and] I do the dirty work.”

“According to article on”

“I think rebounds was a huge thing. D-Live [Dereck Lively II] did a great job on the boards. The 50/50 balls was next – we got a lot of loose balls that I think a few games ago we wouldn’t have gotten. [We were] just locking in on that in the film [room] and really emphasizing that before the game.”

On play of Dereck Lively II “D-Live [Dereck Lively II] worked his butt off all night. He had a big-time matchup and an experienced guy in Armando [Bacot], great rebounder. He just did his job. He was physical the whole night. His main goal coming into this was just get [Bacot] off the boards by boxing him out and letting us get all the rebounds for him. All the rebounds that me and [Jeremy] Roach got and all the guys, it’s his work. We just got all the cleanup. And I think he had eight blocks orsomething at the end of the game. It’s just crazy. He had a great game. I think his confidence was there the whole time, but he’s starting to get into a rhythm now.” “We’ve had a lot of ups and downs this season, but we kept strong faces the whole game and were really close late in that game. I think in the last five minutes our huddles and our talk were really, really key, and everyone was just locked in on the final target.” “The atmosphere wascrazy. It was the loudest game I’ve ever been in in my life. It wascrazy – I couldn’t hear myself think and I’m just so happy we got the win.”

“According to”

Duke is going to travel 8 miles down the road for rematch with North Carolina on Saturday March 4, 2023!

For now though Duke is preparing for a 48 hour turnaround as they have to be back on the hardwood for game at Miami Monday night.

The last time Duke had a quick turnaround was at Virginia Tech on Monday January 23rd in Blacksburg. In that game Duke lost 78-75. Though, they also lost Dariq Whitehead to left lower leg injury.

Dariq Whitehead’s left leg injury accrued with 17:10 to go in the game. Went on to lose inaugural meeting of 2022-2023 regular season to Virginia Tech 78-75.

As Duke went on to lose to Virginia Tech 78-75 in Blacksburg Mark Mitchell was 3-6 on field goals , 1-2 on 3 pointers to go along 1 rebound. Dariq Whitehead was 4-6 on field goals , 2-2 on 3 pointers to go along 1 assists, 10 points . Kyle Filipowski was 9-17 on field goals, 4-8 on 3 pointers to go along with 10 rebounds , 2 assists, 29 points. Though, Kyle Filipowski was 9-17 on field goals , 4-8 on 3 pointers to go along with 10 rebounds , 2 assists, 29 points. Kyle Filipowski was hit in the throat by Virginia Tech’s Michael Collins Jr that resulted in Kyle Filipowski throwing up in the huddle. Ryan Young was 4-6 on field goals to go along with 8 rebounds, 2 assists, 8 points . Tyrese Proctor was 4-12 on field goals , 2-6 on 3 pointers to go along with 4 rebounds , 6 assists, 10 points . Dereck Lively II was 2-3 on field goals to go along with 2 rebounds, 4 points . Jaylen Blakes who is playing with broken nose following suffering broken nose in practice was 0-0 on field goals, 0-0 on 3 pointers to go along with 0 rebounds, 0 assists, 0 points . Jeremy Roach who recently came back from toe injury was 3-9 on field goals, 0-4 on 3 pointers to go along 2 rebounds, 3 assists , 6 points. Jacob Grandison was 0-1 on field goals, 0-1 on 3 pointers to go along with 1 rebound, 1 assists , 0 points.

Following Duke losing Dariq Whitehead to left lower leg injury in second half going to lose inaugural meeting of 2022-2023 regular season to Virginia Tech 77-75 Head Coach Jon Scheyer who is coaching his inaugural season as Duke Head Coach had this to say for his opening statement on what challenges Grant Basile presented Duke’s Bigs, On the last possession Duke had where Tyrese Proctor had open three what he was looking for on that play. On Filipowski (Kyle) getting hit in the throat on the last play and his mind set. On if there was anything on defense Duke was hoping to do better that didn’t happen. On the extent of Dariq Whitehead’s injury. He had a great look from the wing, and that wasn’t even necessarily the play. We wanted the ball in [Kyle Filipowski’s] hands, good things happen, really almost every time he touched it we get either a wide open shot or he got a great look himself. And he made a read, made a really good pass to Tyrese [Proctor], they happened to get caught up on that initial action. And we’ll take that any day of the week. Tyrese is wide open, it hits back rim, it’s right there. And sometimes it goes in and sometimes it doesn’t. But we were looking to the put the ball in Flip’s hands.”can tell you, in that play, he got hit so hard that he was throwing up in the huddle. He was full-out throwing up, and he wasn’t about to be out for a second. He was ready to come back in, and we ended up drawing up the play, and put the ball in his hands and we just missed the shot. That’s what happened right before, and he’s a big-time warrior, man. He’s a competitor. He hates to lose, I thought you could see that tonight. He really put us on his back and willed us to put us in a position to win that game.”“They’re a tough team to play, period, but especially on a one-day turnaround. They have so many actionsthey run, they cutso hard, they screen hard. And then Hunter [Cattoor], you don’t have a lot of film on him to show our guys. We know him well, he had seven threes against us in the ACC Championship last year but he’s a big-time player. He changes their team in a huge way because of his threat, the way he moves without the ball, he puts a lot of pressure on your defense. Too many times we got caught without talking. You have to talk really well on switches, when they screen and they get all of these zoom actions. But I thought in the second half, we really dug down, held them to 33 points and did a better job. And they still, they almost shot 50 [percent] from the field. They had one of those nights. They just made a lot of shots too.” On the extent of Dariq Whitehead’s injury: “Haven’t even talked to our medical team yet. He felt something he was jumping there. I need to get some clarity. I don’t know timetable, I don’t know what we’ll do other than get him back, evaluate him and go from there.


Duke Head Coach Jon Scheyer wasn’t the only coach to share his thoughts following Duke’s 78-75 loss to Virginia Tech in Blacksburg Monday as Virginia Tech Head Coach Mike Young did as well on Virginia Tech’s performance on why Virginia Tech shot so well.

We’re kind of throwing things against the wall in hopesthat we find something that we can get our teeth in. And thatcan sometimes be difficult with our ability to switch. They don’t want to switch with [Ryan] Young and [Dereck] Lively. They will with h Lively, some. They want to keep it man-on-man with their length. And those are really good basketball players. We score 78 in here, make 10 three’s, Hunter Cattoor looked like Hunter Cattoor again, he’s been good, he was good at UVA, I can’t play without him, fellas. [Sean] Pedulla had his best game, by far, in quite some time. He’s a floor general, he had one bad shot in transition, but he played a good basketball game for us. [Grant] Basile was terrific, maybe his best. He was awfully good in here against Dayton, he’s having a good year for us, but he belonged on that floor. Asserted himself, was aggressive, took them into the post a couple of times and bang, bang, got to the charge circle and got up over his left shoulder and got a couple down. He was really good. Really proud of Grant.”not really sure how to answer that. We looked awfully comfortable. Good lord, we’re down 7-0. We had a good rhythm. Pedulla got a bomb down in front of Duke’s bench there during that stretch. The ball had energy, our spacing was quite good, playing the game the way the thing’s supposed to be played. We haven’t done that very well here over the last little bit.


Head Coaches from both Duke, Virginia Tech weren’t the only ones to share their thoughts following Duke’s 78-75 loss to Virginia Tech in Blacksburg as Duke players did as well.

Those players included junior guard Jeremy Roach, freshman center Kyle Filipowski!

Jeremy Roach shared his thoughts on what it meant for the team to come back from halftime deficit and be in position to win. On what the team needs to do better to win games like this in the future. On if was happy with the last position. On how he felt about Dariq Whitehead’s injury.

It just shows the fight that we have. It shows the potential of our team and how we’ve been growing over the season. We fought hard, we dug ourselves into a hole for sure in the first half. We just let guys get open threes, and all that kind of stuff, so we kind of put it on ourselves. But that’s the fight that we need all 40 minutes, we can’t just do it for one half, we’ve got to do it for all 40.”“I mean, it’s not even offensively. We let them score 70, 70-something points? We’ve got to just double down on defense and get stops. It came down to a one possession game, it was tied up with 30 seconds left, so we’ve just got to get that last stop.”“I would’ve been happy with anybody, Tyrese shooting that shot. I mean, he got an open look, so I’ve got all the confidence in the world for him to hit that shot.”“It hurts because he’s been there for us. He’s had some big-time moments for us. We wanted to get this win for him, for sure. But just praying that he’s okay and he’ll have a speedy recovery.”

Kyle Filipowski shared his thoughts on getting caught in the throat late in the game. On wasn’t working defensively in the first half.

Yeah, he just elbowed me right in my adam’s apple, and Icouldn’t breathe for a minute. So I just needed to throw up and I was good. … as a team, we’re just working our butts off and that’s a game we should totally come out with a win. It just hurts because I know we’re working super hard, we’re getting all this backlash from everyone, but that’sjust bringing uscloser. It’s hard because you hate losing and I think this team is really special.”“I think it was just the giving up too many three-point opportunities. There was a lot of, I wouldn’t say miscommunication between the guards and the bigs off their zoom actions, but they just executed it really well. We adapted to it in the second half and did a much better job with it. That was a little x’s-and-o’s that we could’ve taken care of better in the first half.

“According to”

What will the result this time be as Duke is facing a 48 turnaround this time as they play Miami in Miami Gardens Florida Monday ?

Duke , fans spectators are going to find out in 48 hours because tip off is set for 7:00pm from Watsco Center! The game is going to be televised on ESPN with Dan Shulmen, Fran Fraschilla commentating!